Archbishop Bernard Hebda is currently leading a movement within the parishes to build small groups. In the earliest days of the Church, small groups were an entry point for many that did not know about the church and religion as a whole, but they also kept the faith alive in the community by fostering fellowship between parishioners. Since January, thirteen of your fellow parishioners have been meeting regularly to put in the groundwork to prepare for these new small groups: We are currently collecting and compiling a list of parishioners who are interested in becoming Small Group Leaders and are willing to discern their involvement in Small Group Leader Formation, a FREE seven-week series will be held each Tuesday from September 19 to November 7 (excluding Halloween) from 7:00-9:00pm right here at our parish, facilitated virtually by Bishop Joseph Williams. The thirteen SET members will be attending these sessions as well.
Contact Jack at to learn more or to register. This formation is intended for those who are open to the possibility of playing a leadership role in a small group. Anyone interested in learning more about the Synod evangelization process can read the Pastoral Letter, “You Will Be My Witnesses,” from the Archbishop.