Pietra Fitness Fall Stretching & Strengthening Series for Women
Monday,September25,2023,7:30 PM-8:30 PM
Location:St. Albert Parish Center
Fall Stretching and Strengthening Series for Women Pietra Fitness is a unique whole-person fitness program thatintegratesphysicalexercisewithChristianprayerwhile drawingupontherich&timeless traditions of the Catholic Church. Bodily prayer, sacred art, sacred music, and Christian meditation are woven into this stretching and strengthening workout so that in only 1 hour, you feel calmer,strong,refreshed,&renewed. Bringamat&water. Mondays - September 23 through December 11 | 7:30-8:30pm (No Classes on the 3rd Monday of the month.) Cost: $10 class punch card—#100 (save $50) 6 class punch card—$75 (save $15) or $15 per class on drop in basis