Merry Christmas! I hope that you and your family have a wonderful, Christ-filled, and joyful celebration this Christmas! This time of year has been one that I have always loved for various reasons throughout my life. I have found that these reasons center around one aspect—giving and receiving. In that, we recognize how good God has been to us and all that He has given to us throughout the year–from that promotion at work, to welcoming a newborn grandbaby into the family, to a greater conversion to the Lord–all of these things and more have been a gift from God.
St Lucy shows the example of “being the light of Christ into the world.” Why is St Lucy so importantly honored as a saint? There is a special reason why her feast is celebrated in the Advent season that happens during the approach of the darker days of winter.
Pilgrimages are ways that can help deepen our life with Christ. Through pilgrimages, we get to experience certain truths. One is that we are on a pilgrimage in life with our ultimate destination being in Heaven with God. A pilgrim can reflect on the pilgrimage itself and see parallels in our lives with our journey to Heaven.