The Alpha 11-week Course is focused on Jesus and the Holy Spirit and includes good food, a short engaging faith-based video, and open and meaningful conversation. Join the many that have experienced Alpha at St. Albert's since 2019!
Not sure about Alpha? Come to the first Alpha Session and check it out. If you enjoy the first time, great! - join us for the remaining sessions. If you feel like Alpha is not for you - no problem, and no pressure.
Here is what past Alpha guests have to share about their experience:
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a series of eleven weekly interactive sessions that freely explore the meaning of life and the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Alpha takes people on a journey often leading to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. It enables people to ask their questions, share ideas, build friendships, and experience the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Since 1990, the Alpha Course has been taken by 29 million people of many Christian denominations from 169 countries in 122 languages. It is fully endorsed by the Catholic Church as a great starting place for many people interested in the faith.
Who is Alpha for?
Alpha is for everyone! No matter who you are - nonbeliever, cradle Catholic, or anywhere in-between - you've got questions, and that's what Alpha is all about. We believe everyone curious about God, faith, or the Church deserves a great community and a solid introduction to Jesus and his message. Alpha helps connect participants to both Jesus and the community. If you desire to develop, deepen, or renew your relationship with Jesus, Alpha is for YOU! And consider inviting a friend to join you on the journey!
When is the next Alpha?
Alpha Fall 2024:
October 7 - December 16, 2024 | Mondays from 6:00-8:00pm
Special Two-day Retreat included Friday-Saturday, November 22-23, 2024
*Alpha Winter Course will be starting January 2025
How much is Alpha?
There is NO charge to participate at Alpha. However, if you would like to help support and cover the costs involved with Alpha, a free will offering is always appreciated.
What to expect at Alpha:
First - Good Food
Food has a way of bringing people together. It’s no different at Alpha. Every Alpha starts with dinner, because it’s a great way to encourage community and get to know each other. Enjoy a delicious dinner and beverages.
Then - Good Films
All the 30-minute Alpha videos are designed to spark good conversation while exploring the big issues of faith and unpacking the fundamentals of Christianity. Every film addresses a particular question such as: Who is Jesus? And, how can we have faith?
Followed by - Good Discussions
For many people, this is the most valuable part of their Alpha experience - the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the week's topic and discuss it as a small group. Nobody is forced to say anything and nothing is out of bounds. These discussion groups are a great opportunity to hear from others and to share your own thoughts in a friendly and supportive environment.